We have a new National Cybersecurity Strategy, what does it mean?

In this 39-page document . . . 
The Biden administration starts off by recognizing that cybersecurity is here to stay, that this is something that everybody should learn to live with and do as part of their use of technology. The document also says that the administration is investing 65 billion to make sure every American has access to reliable and high-speed internet.

Think like a Hacker: Get to know the hacking techniques and how to combat them

To evade security measures, cybercriminals are constantly exploring new tactics. Thus, it is crucial to adopt a hacker's mindset and employ preemptive measures to outsmart them. Defense in Depth (DiD) is a strategy that helps accomplish this.

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), DiD involves using various security measures in a layered or stepwise approach to achieve security objectives.

Building Resilient Defense Strategies Against Insider Threats

Insider threats are a serious concern in the realm of cybersecurity. Unfortunately, many organizations of all sizes either neglect or are hesitant to address this issue.

To address this critical problem, this blog post aims to highlight the various types of insider threats, the severe harm that they can cause, the user attributes that can increase the risk of such threats, and the security controls that should be put in place to prevent and protect against these types of threats.

Top 4 Co-Managed IT Myths

As a business owner, you may be torn between relying solely on your internal IT staff or outsourcing to an IT service provider.  But what if there was a third option that combined the benefits of both?

Co-managed IT might just be the solution for you!

Using a co-managed IT service can fill IT gaps without having to source, train, and retain expensive IT talent.

Rackspace Hosted Exchange Down Due to Security Incident

Today, we are going to discuss what is going on over at Rackspace. Over the weekend, another cloud provider, and in this case, it happened to be companies, mostly small, medium-sized businesses that host their Exchange email not with Microsoft… many of you may be familiar with M365 or O365 and that is how you get your email.

Are Your Smart Devices (Siri, Alexa, Google) Eavesdropping On You?

Have you ever had a conversation about a topic, and then later that day you start seeing news, ads or updates about that subject, and said to yourself, “This can’t be a coincidence”?

Well, you’re probably right.

According to Norton, who you may remember as an antivirus software company and who now also owns LifeLock, your smart devices ARE listening to you because that’s their job.

Why Your Business Needs a Data Security Policy

Today, the competitive business environment is data-driven. Data provides key insights into your customers and business performance that helps you make better decisions and improve processes. However, the sudden influx of employees working remotely exposes your organization’s information to several security threats.