Top 5 Threats IoT Devices Pose to Data Protection & Privacy

Gartner Inc. predicted that by 2023, CIOs would be responsible for over three times the endpoints they were responsible for in 2018 due to the rapid evolution of IoT trends and technologies. With billions of physical devices worldwide connected to the internet today, this prediction is on its way to coming true.

What is Ransomware?

In today’s blog, we will be going into something that most people seem to have basic or common knowledge, but you'd be surprised of how many people just don't understand or don't know what ransomware is. What is ransomware? How do we get to where we are today? We will explain a little bit about how ransomware is changing as of today, November 2022 and what the future might look like.

Staying Safe on Social Networking & Dating Sites

What are social networking sites?
Social networking sites, sometimes referred to as "friend-of-a-friend" sites, build upon the concept of traditional social networks where you are connected to new people through people you already know. The purpose of some networking sites may be purely social, allowing users to establish friendships or romantic relationships, while others may focus on establishing business connections.