The Importance of Fortifying Employee Security Awareness in Your Business

In the modern world, organizations are growing more conscious of the constantly evolving cybersecurity landscape. They are investing significant resources in advanced software applications to strengthen their cyber defenses. Despite these efforts, cybercriminals continue to find a way into even the most sophisticated systems, often targeting employees as the entry point.

Are Your Smart Devices (Siri, Alexa, Google) Eavesdropping On You?

Have you ever had a conversation about a topic, and then later that day you start seeing news, ads or updates about that subject, and said to yourself, “This can’t be a coincidence”?

Well, you’re probably right.

According to Norton, who you may remember as an antivirus software company and who now also owns LifeLock, your smart devices ARE listening to you because that’s their job.

Top 5 Threats IoT Devices Pose to Data Protection & Privacy

Gartner Inc. predicted that by 2023, CIOs would be responsible for over three times the endpoints they were responsible for in 2018 due to the rapid evolution of IoT trends and technologies. With billions of physical devices worldwide connected to the internet today, this prediction is on its way to coming true.

Why Your Business Needs a Data Security Policy

Today, the competitive business environment is data-driven. Data provides key insights into your customers and business performance that helps you make better decisions and improve processes. However, the sudden influx of employees working remotely exposes your organization’s information to several security threats.